Pray, Study, Act (PSA) is a 3-Step process for recognizing and living your paramount purpose.  This self-directed program allows the program participant to work independently over a 12-week period.  We meet three times over the 12-week period.  A private FB group is a way the participants can remain connected during the 12-week period.  This self-directed bible study helps you to begin recognizing doors of opportunity all around. Pastor John Ortberg’s bible study program is the foundation for this program.

Our 3  joint sessions will be on Tuesday mornings at 5 a.m.  The group discussions allow participants to participate and have an opportunity to learn, grow and be stretched a little as well.


Over the 12-week period, you and others will be challenged to trust God and take steps of faith.

 Here’s information for the next 12-week program:

 Program: PSA

 Book:  All the Places to Go…How Will You Know? (John Ortberg)

 Day:  Tuesday mornings (5 a.m. – 6 a.m. Eastern Time)

 Cost:  Book and Participant Guide (Each participant is responsible for securing his/her copy of the book and the participant guide prior to the first session).

 You’ve put everyone else’s dreams ahead of your own.  Now, it’s your turn. Walk into YOUR season! Do not delay.  Click on the button below to get started then get your materials! This program allows you to dig deeper into scripture, dedicating 3 months to getting your feet wet and stepping through the doors of opportunity.

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