Happy New Year!  Beginning at 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2016 the well wishes for the new year began all across the globe.  We sing the song Auld Lang Syne which reminds us to not forget the past as we move into the new year.

Across the globe we spent the first day of 2016 reviewing activities of 2015 and mapping out what we want 2016 to look like for ourselves, our families and other aspects of our lives.

What came to my mind was how a few scriptures have made a difference in my life and how no matter what the year, these scriptures continue to be relevant.

As a child, I was required to memorize the 23rdPsalm.  I didn’t totally understand what it meant, but I was obedient and I memorized it.  Back then, the only benefit I saw was when we recited it in church, I could recite it just like the grown-ups.

Today, the first day of 2016, the meaning of the 23rd Psalm has become so much more substantial and significant.

The first verse of the 23rd Psalm makes two statements. The Lord is MY Shepherd.  This is significant because it makes this Psalm personal.  No one else has to agree with me, or believe as I do, because this is personal – it’s about me and the Lord God. He’s MY shepherd.  It defines my relationship with the Creator.  This is a relationship that allows me to be a willing follower; that allows me to not worry about anything. I often feel pressure to be, do and have so many things.  There’s no opportunity for error – everything is focused on winning and losing, and if you don’t know the “right” people, or do the “right” things at the “right” time, you are a failure.  But when I accept that the Lord is MY Shepherd, I can relax and know that I don’t have to worry about anything because the Lord will both lead and protect me.

This recognition that the Lord is My Shepherd takes us to the second sentence in the verse.  “I shall not want.” Wow!  So once I recognize and accept that the Lord is MY Shepherd, it is followed by the understanding that I will have my needs and desires fulfilled, so I will “want” for nothing.  All of my needs are supplied because I shall not want because the Lord is my SHEPHERD.

If I just stop trying to run things, the Lord will lead me and provide for me so I shall not want? Is that really all I need to do?  Keep in mind, it doesn’t mean that the sheep following the Shepherd stop moving and just sit down.  It means they allow the Shepherd to lead and guide them in the direction and their needs are provided for.

Let this marinate in your mind and your spirit. It’s as easy as this – trust the Lord.  Allow Him to lead you.  Trust that He knows the terrain and knows the best path for you.  The Shepherd can see further than you can, and knows what’s coming, so let go of the stress of trying to know and anticipate all the possible outcomes and trust that He’ll lead you the best way for your life.

Start the business if that’s where He’s leading you. Take a class if that’s where He’s leading you. Have a baby if that’s where He’s leading you. Marry, separate, move – whatever direction God is leading you towards even if it’s not exactly what you had in mind. How will you know it’s the Shepherd?  You know by spending time with Him.  Infants get to know mommy’s and daddy’s voices because they are with them all the time and their voices become familiar. They know and trust the voices.  Likewise, spending time with your Heavenly Father allows you to know when it’s His voice that’s giving direction.

When you step out on faith to do what you haven’t done before.  Remember: “The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.” Then go where the Shepherd is leading you.

You may not read the bible, and your belief system may be vastly different from mine, and that’s okay.  Whatever you believe, know that finding something that centers and grounds you is a great place to begin with right now.  I’m walking through the 23rd Psalm on my website because it grounds me.  You decide what works best for you and spend some time re-acquainting yourself with who you are at your core.  That’s one way to make sure 2016 takes flight!

Do it now!