small fearless

Everywhere we turn, there’s something else to worry about or deal with – there are always challenges.  If we’re not careful, we will exist instead of live.  We could see the danger in EVERYTHING and cause that danger and ill feeling to follow us everywhere we go.  Imagine a life focusing on all the negative things that COULD happen.  Like the feeling caused by the robot’s warning to Will Robinson in the old television show, Lost in Space, “danger, danger, Will Robinson, danger”, you could stay in a heightened sense of distress.  There are disorders associated with fears. For example, people who suffer from agoraphobia, struggle with places they perceive as dangerous or uncomfortable, and often go to great lengths to avoid those situations.

What if you could live a life without fear?  How would your life be different if you weren’t afraid of anything?  Yes, there is healthy fear – or I’d like to say a heightened awareness that helps you discern when there may be trouble lurking around the corner, but that’s not the “fear” about which I’m speaking.  I’m talking about letting go of the fear to do things that are unfamiliar.  Letting go of the fear that keeps you from starting your own business, or going back to school, or waiting for the mate God selects for you.  When you trust God, wholly and completely, things work out and fall into place.  It’s amazing how that one simple act of trust has so many positive repercussions!

Being absolutely fearless comes from trusting that your steps are ordered by a power, a force greater than we ourselves.  Then we know that that power knows what lies ahead and will direct our path (Proverbs 3:6).

So, similarly to the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, “boldly go with no one has gone before” knowing that God’s got your back.  When you walk with the Father, you can walk uprightly and forge ahead in peace and unafraid no matter what comes before you.