Most of us have heard the term “Doubting Thomas”. That’s someone who has to SEE it to believe it. This concept/term comes from a scriptural reference – John 20:24-29. It says that when Jesus resurrected from the dead and then came back to visit the disciples, Thomas was not around. So when the other disciples told him they’d seen Jesus, the risen Savior, Thomas (Didymus) didn’t believe them and said he wouldn’t believe it until he saw the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and could put his hand in Jesus’ side. When Jesus came back and showed Thomas the nail prints and allowed Thomas to put his hand in his side, Thomas knew it was Jesus, his Lord and Savior.

We all have doubts at one time or another. Our doubts usually come from a very real place – past experience. Thomas doubted Jesus’ return from the grave because usually once someone has been crucified, lost the blood that Jesus did hanging from a cross, that person did not come back to life. Once Thomas saw Jesus’ hands and put his hand in Jesus’ side, Thomas immediately knew Jesus had returned from the grave.

Many times we have doubts about someone else’s or our own abilities because of past experiences. Doubts are normal, they happen, and they can sometimes protect us from making a mistake. However, when we’re trying something new, reaching for a goal, stepping out of our comfort zone to achieve more than we’ve known before, doubts can hold us back and prevent us from forward progress. Isn’t it interesting that we can allow one negative past experience have greater power over us than 5 times as many positive experiences? You’ve tried something new 10 times before and 9 times you experienced success. The time that you didn’t is the time that you lament over. You review it in your mind so much that it is what you think about each time an opportunity presents itself. In times like these, POWER THROUGH THE DOUBT! Push yourself through the feelings of inadequacy. Don’t worry about what you don’t have, but focus on what you DO have. Focus on your positive past experiences and what you do well. You’re intuition will help guide you. God will let you know if you need to alter your course. Listen to His guidance and continue to press forward.

You have seeds of greatness within you. Power through the doubt and allow those seeds to germinate and grow!